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Suggested Piano Materials


WunderKeys does a great job making musical concepts fun for the wee little ones through the help of adorable finger friends!


For teens and adults, Keyboard Musician keeps note reading on track, and learning simple favorite western classical, jazz, or pop pieces is 

feasible in a few months thanks

to the resources pictured.


The Music Tree series gets young hands moving all over the keyboard right from the start and makes learning to read music simple thanks to its landmark system.

Mountain Boogie philosophy is that there are many ways to climb a mountain and that all texts and methods have their strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some of my go to resources depending on a student’s age and interests. However, if you are already used to a method—perhaps you took lessons some years ago or your instructor is moving out of town—I am always delighted to continue with the texts you already own and are accustomed with!

A picture my first piano teacher, Mr. Schumann drew for me over 20 years ago. I am the stick figure in the bottom right corner with a pickaxe chipping away at a granite mountain to get to the works by Beethoven and Chopin at the top!

No matter your age,

Mountain Boogie

Philosophy is all

about making the

ascent up your musical mountain

personally meaningful. I have found making skill-level 

appropriate arrangements of student’s favorite tunes with notation software a surefire way of making practice exciting and rewarding!

For Everybody
Piano Lessons
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